Current Development Applications
The following Planning applications for proposed development are being reviewed by the Township Planning Department. Applications are updated as often as possible but may not include all active applications.
Please contact the Planning Department for questions or more information about specific properties or applications.
Zoning By-law Amendment Applications
PLZBA2024016 - 5373 County Road 121 (Howland Lake) |
5373 County Road 121 and adjacent to Howland Lake (see Key Map) Property Owner St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club Applicant/Agent Duncan Ross, Duncan Ross Architect Purpose of Application The subject property is currently zoned ‘Rural (RU)’ and is located within the Waterfront and Rural designation of the Township’s Official Plan. The proposed zoning by-law amendment would serve to rezone a portion of the subject lands from ‘Rural (RU)’ to ‘Recreational Commercial Exception (C3-E)’ zone, to permit a children’s camp with certain site-specific provisions. Portions of the subject lands will also be rezoned to ‘Hazard Lands (HZ)’ to protect the natural heritage features identified in an Environmental Impact Study prepared to support the application. For more detailed information please see the site plan. Status The public meeting was held on December 12, 2024. For more information, please refer to the Notice of Public Meeting. A decision on the application had not been made at this time. The application will be scheduled for a future Council meeting. Contact Amanda Dougherty, Manager of Planning
PLZBA2024062 – Vacant Land, Part Lot 13, Concession 14, Snowdon, Porky’s Road |
Property Vacant Land having property roll # 4616-042-000-11200 on Porky’s Road (see Key Map) Property Owner 1000221785 (Kenneth Peeters) Purpose of Application The subject property is currently zoned ‘Rural (RU)’ and is located within the Rural designation of the Township’s Official Plan. The zoning by-law is submitted to fulfill a condition of consent application H-033-24 and H-034-24 and would serve to rezone the proposed severed parcels from ‘Rural (RU)’ to ‘Rural Residential Exception (RR-E)’ zone, to recognize site-specific provisions. Portions of the subject lands will also be rezoned to ‘Hazard Lands (HZ)’ to protect the natural heritage features identified in a Site Evaluation Report prepared in relation to the consent application. For more detailed information please see the site plan Status The public meeting was held on December 12, 2024. For more information, please refer to the Notice of Public Meeting. A decision on the application was deferred pending revisions to the Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) to reflect the effective date of the ZBA to commence once the consent applications as finalized. A revised By-law will be on the agenda for the January 9, 2025 meeting for review and consideration by Council. Contact |
PLZBA2024061 – 2513 Davis Lake Road |
Part Lot 12, Concession 6, Geographic Township of Lutterworth, 2513 Davis Lake Road (see Key Map). Property Owner Estate of Donald Grozelle Applicant/Agent Melissa Anderson Purpose of Application The subject property is currently zoned ‘General Industrial Exception Five (M1-5)’ and is located within the Rural designation of the Township’s Official Plan. The current zoning on the property permits the use of the land as a salvage yard. The property is occupied by a dwelling, which is a permitted accessory use to an operating salvage yard. As a salvage yard no longer operates on the property, the landowners are proposing to use the land for residential uses only. The zoning by-law amendment would serve to rezone the property from ‘General Industrial Exception Five (M1-5)’ zone to ‘Rural (RU)’ zone to permit the principal use of the property for residential uses. Status The application is scheduled for public meeting on January 9, 2024. For more information, please refer to the Notice of Public Meeting. Contact |
PLZBA2024067 – 1237 Ingoldsby Road (Canning Lake) |
Part Lot 16, Concession 14, Geographic Township of Snowdon, 1237 Ingoldsby Road (see Key Map) Property Owner Joseph and Denise Kovac Applicant/Agent MHBC, c/o Jamie Robinson, BES, MCIP, RPP Purpose of Application The subject property is currently zoned ‘Shoreline Residential (SR)’ and is located within the Waterfront designation of the Township’s Official Plan. The property owners are proposing to tear down two (2) boathouses in order to construct one (1) new boathouse. Existing boathouses may be reconstructed on the same footprint, inclusive of size, height and location. The height of the boathouse will remain unchanged. The ground floor area of the boathouse will increase from a combined 88 square metres (947 square feet) to 90.24 square metres (971 square feet). A new location for the boathouse is also proposed and to be setback 5.5 metres (18 feet) from the high water mark of Canning Lake. The zoning by-law amendment would rezone the property from ‘Shoreline Residential (SR)’ zone to ‘Shoreline Residential Exception (SR-E)’ zone to permit the construction of the boathouse. In accordance with the Official Plan, reconstruction of the boathouse will be subject to site plan control under Section 41 of the Planning Act. For more detailed information please see the Site Plan. Status The application is scheduled for public meeting on January 9, 2024. For more information, please refer to the Notice of Public Meeting. Contact |
Minor Variance Applications
PLMV2024068 – 1345 Shaw’s Lane (Canning Lake) |
Part Lot 12, Concession 14 – Snowdon, 1345 Shaw’s Lane (Canning Lake) see Key Map Property Owner Jacqueline Hill and Jason Schwarz Purpose of Application The purpose of the application is to provide relief from the Township of Minden Hills Zoning By-law 06-10, as amended, to permit the development of a 22.30 sq.m (240 sq.ft) addition to the southeast side of the existing cottage. The effect of the application would be to permit an increase in the size of a building located in part within 15 m (49.3 ft) of the high-water mark, where an increase in size or height of a building or structure is otherwise not permitted. For more detailed information, please see the site plan. Status The public hearing was held on December 9, 2024. The Committee of Adjustment approved the requested variance as outlined above. Contact |
PLMV2024069 – 1378 Bobcaygeon Road |
Property 1378 Bobcaygeon Road (See Key Map) Property Owner Jean-Marie Barker and David Archer Purpose of Application The purpose of the application is to provide relief from the Township of Minden Hills Zoning By-law 06-10, as amended, to permit the redevelopment and enlargement of the dwelling and to construct a new two-storey addition with a side porch. The effect of the application would be to permit an increase of the gross floor area of the building beyond the permitted 25% for non-complying buildings or structures. For more detailed information, please see the site plan. Status The public hearing was held on December 9, 2024. The Committee of Adjustment approved the requested variance as outlined above. Contact |