Short Term Rental Accommodation
Effective October 1, 2024, the Short-Term Rental By-Law is in effect and applications can be processed online only - link below.
- Updates will be posted on the website regarding the Short-Term Rental Licence Application Process. Please subscribe to this page (bottom of the page) to receive updates.
- Please familiarize yourself with the current Short-Term Rental By-Law and what documentation will be required at the time of submission.
Short-Term Rental Application Portal
At the regular Council meeting held on March 14, 2024, Council passed a Short-Term Rental By-law, being a By-Law to regulate Short-Term Rentals within the Township of Minden Hills.
Current Short-Term Rental By-law
The Short-Term Rental Accommodation licensing program was initiated by the Township of Minden Hills to address community concerns and to ensure all rentals operate safely in accordance with Short-Term Rental By-law, the Fire Protection Standards, the Ontario Building Code and Township By-laws.
Residents and property owners who wish to rent their property for a period of less than 28 consecutive nights throughout all or any part of a calendar year or less will be required to obtain a licence.
Short-Term Rental Accommodations (STRs) allow for residents to offer a place of accommodation or temporary residence through online platforms like Airbnb, VRBO, Kijiji, etc.
Neighbours adjacent to property owners renting their property as a Short-Term Rental are encouraged to reach out and discuss any rental concerns they may have with each other. Short-Term Rental owners must be aware of all applicable Townships By-laws.
Short Term Rental property owners are encouraged to be active hosts in ensuring that their guests enjoy an pleasant stay in Minden Hills and that their neighbours maintain a comfortable quality of life.
What is a Short-Term Rental (STR) |
Short-Term Rental operators/hosts are people who rent their homes or room(s) on a short-term basis for a period of less than twenty-eight (28) consecutive nights throughout all or any part of a calendar year. This can include renting a private room in a home, an entire home, a seasonal property such as a cottage, or any other space. Short-Term Rentals do not include established accommodations such as bed and breakfasts, hotels, trailer parks or campgrounds. Please note: As per the Townships Zoning By-Law 06-10, Sleeping Cabins/Bunkies are NOT permitted to be used for or in conjunction with, a Short-Term Rental. |
Preparing your Application |
If you are interested in obtaining a licence after October 1, 2024 please review our Short Term Rental License Application Checklist to ensure you have all necessary requirements. When preparing your application, please do the following: Step 1. Review the current Short-Term Rental By-law in advance of applying. Step 2. Complete the Short-Term Rental Application in full. The application consists of the following:
Section A - Location of Short-Term RentalInclude 911 address (address you would provide to emergency service for assistance ie. 1234 Beaver Way).
Section B – Applicant InformationOwner or agents name, mailing address, email and phone number. Please note: If you are acting as an "agent", a letter of authorization is required from the owner advising that they give you permission to apply for an STR Licence at the specified address (ie. 1234 Beaver Lane) on their behalf. Section C – Owners InformationIf there is more than one owner - their name, mailing address, email and phone number. Section D – Responsible PersonThe Responsible Person must be able to respond within 60 minutes and attend to the site within 24 hours if required. Their name, mailing address, email and phone number must be completed and kept up to date at all times. Section E – Premises InformationList the number of bedrooms or sleeping areas, the total number of beds, and the total occupant load. You must indicate how many bedrooms your existing sewage system was approved for. You can find this information on your sewage system permit or your installation report. If you cannot find your sewage system permit or installation report, you can complete an Application for Copy of Septic System and or Installation Report. Please take note: there is a fee for this report - please contact the Septic Inspector for this information. Both the fee and the Application are to be sent in to the Septic Inspector. Once the fee and the Application is received, the Septic Inspector will then perform a search of the Township records to see if there is a copy of this record.
Section F – Completeness and CompliancePlease select Yes or No for each row.
Section G – Attachments Required To Be Submitted With Application:
Section H – Proof Of Ownership Attachment Required With Application:
Section I – Municipally Owned Shore Road Allowance:Where a building is situated on a municipally owned shore road allowance or any other publicly owned lands: Attach a copy of the License of Occupation issued by the Municipality. OR The owner has applied for a Licence of Occupation and submitted the applicable fees associated with the Licence of Occupation at the time of applying for the Short-Term Rental Licence. AND The owner has applied to purchase their Shore Road Allowance and paid the applicable fees associated with the Purchase at the time of applying for the Short-Term Rental Licence. Clarification – If the building/structure in which the Short-Term Rental is being operated from sits on the Township's shore road allowance, the owner must apply for a Licence of Occupation and pay the fees associated with this application and they must also apply to purchase their shore road allowance and pay the fees associated with this application at the time of applying for the Short-Term Rental Licence. Section J – Attestation Form:The Attestation Form is to be completed and submitted by the owner of the Short-Term Rental premises. |
Documents that are to be posted at the Short-Term Rental |
The following information shall be posted in a prominent place in the interior of each Short-Term Rental, in a manner that is visible to Guests or Renters and made available for inspection:
"Due to this Short-Term Rental Premises not being accessible by a year-round maintained public road, emergency response times may be delayed to this location."
Sign to be posted on site: A Short-Term Rental Sign shall be displayed to identify a Short-Term Rental property and shall be located near the vicinity of the 911 address sign and meet the following criteria:
Please remember |
Short Term Rental operators can be held accountable for the actions of their guests. If a Municipal By-law is broken, By-law fines can be charged to both the individuals who violated the regulation. By-Law fines and inspection fees can be charged to the property owner. Before submitting an application, it is recommended that Short Term Rental owners or operators recognize other applicable regulations that may impact their property. For example, your Short- Term Rental must comply with other applicable regulations such as the Building Code Act, Fire Protection and Prevention Act, Electricity Act and it must have proper insurance as well as water and septic capabilities. |
After your application has been submitted
Application Review:By-law, Fire, Septic, and Building Department staff will be reviewing the information submitted to confirm compliance. Should the application be missing information or not conform to a regulation or by-law, the applicant will be advised of the required amendments or additions required. Applicants will be given the opportunity to update the application or provide any missing documentation. Township Inspections:Once the application and all documentation is received, the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for Short-Term Rentals may request an onsite inspection. All Short-Term Rentals are to contain functioning smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers and accessible exits, and the Short-Term Rental premises must match the site plan/floor plan that was submitted. Approval:Once the licence is issued, the Licencee will be responsible for the maintenance of Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspections, Maintenance Records and Tests for all Smoke and CO Alarms, the Guest Register, and the Renters Code of Conduct. |
Short Term Rental Complaints Hotline |
Short-Term Rental Complaints |
One of the common concerns received regarding Short-Term Rentals is that complainants did not know how to reach their neighbour that was operating a Short-Term Rental. Like most Municipalities, the Township of Minden Hills implemented a “Responsible Person” provision. As per the Short-Term Rental By-law 24-31, Sections 5.15 states: A Short-Term Rental Sign shall be displayed to identify a Short-Term Rental property and shall be located near the vicinity of the 911 address sign and meet the following criteria:
As a first step, neighbourly communications are always encouraged in resolving misunderstandings and disagreements before calling authorities (such as By-law and OPP). Concerned neighbours are encouraged to call the Responsible Person and report their concerns. If a complaint has been filed with the Responsible Person and no action is undertaken, please forward your Short-Term Rental complaint form to Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. Township enforcement staff will investigate matters during our enforcement coverage hours. After hours, please contact the OPP non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122 for assistance with urgent disturbances of the peace or other policing matters.
Fire Pit and Open-Air Burns |
Bonfires can be an important part of the cottage experience but remember that they can also be dangerous. Minden Hills Fire Department implements a Burn Ban if the weather conditions make fires unsafe. Be sure to visit the Fire Department webpage to view the current Burn Ban status and view other important rules and regulation before doing any open air burning. Important things to remember:
Waste and Recycling |
Minden Hills is beautiful – and we want to keep it that way. Proper disposal of garbage and recyclables is essential to keeping our community and waterways clean. Always:
Visit the Garbage and Recycling website and use the Wizard to learn how and where to dispose of specific waste items. Give your Short-Term Renters a Cottage Kit as a Welcome Gift! Property owners can make waste disposal easy for their guests by purchasing a Cottage Kit. Each Cottage Kit contains a one-time waste disposal card as well as a Waste Management Guide. Visit the Waste and Recycling User Fee page for pricing of Cottage Kits.
Parking |
For everyone’s safety, roadways and road access must be kept clear to ensure residents, visitors and emergency vehicles have access to properties. Parking should occur entirely on the property that you are visiting. Ensure vehicles are parked legally and are parked on the correct property. |
Noise/Fireworks |
Municipal By-Law Enforcement can respond to noise complaints along with local Police Service. Please be sure that you are respecting your neighbours by following the noise By-Law:
General Noise Regulations(2.1) No person shall make, cause or permit to be made, either on a highway or elsewhere in the Municipality, any unnecessary noise or unnecessary sounds which disturbs the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of any person or is the result of any activities described in Schedule "A" and that is audible to: (a) a person in a premises or vehicle other than the premises or vehicle from which the noise is originating; or (b) a person in a residence other than the residence from which the noise is originating. (2.2) No person shall set off any Fireworks on any public street or roadway within the Township of Minden Hills at any time. (2.3) Consumer fireworks within the geographical Township of Minden Hills do not require a permit and are only permitted on the following: (a) New Years Eve - between dusk and 1 a.m. (b) Canada Day - between dusk and 11 p.m. the weekend prior to Canada Day, the weekend directly following Canada Day or on the day of Canada Day. (c) Victoria Day and Labour Day - between dusk and 11 p.m. on the weekend in which the holiday falls. (2.4) Despite Subsection 2.3, no person shall set off any Fireworks when there is a Fire Ban in effect or when open air burning is prohibited. Please note: there are no “time” limitations in regard to noise; meaning, a noise complaint can be filed at any time of day or night. |
Pets |
If you are bringing your pet along to your Short-Term Rental property, please ensure that they are under your care and control at all times, and that they do not wander onto neighbouring properties. |
Property Standards |
The Property Standards By-law focuses on the maintenance and occupancy of property in the Municipality. Visit the Minden Hills website at to view the Property Standards By-law. |
Frequently Asked Questions |
Q: Do I need to consent to disclosure of personal information to get a licence? A: Yes, the Township is using a third-party administrator for the Short-Term Rental Licencing Program who requires access to all submitted materials. Applicants must consent to the disclosure of information to have their application processed and cannot opt-out of this requirement. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: Is my information secure? A: Information will be kept on servers located in Canada with privacy protocols in place to keep information secure. The third-party administrator has agreements in place to ensure that Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act is complied with. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: How will my information be used? A: Disclosed information will only be used to administer and enforce the Short-Term Rental Licencing Program. Your information will not be used for any other purpose. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: Why is my information being posted online? A: The Township will be posting the locations of licenced short-term rentals, the licence number, and the contact information for the responsible person. This will allow individuals to reach out with concerns or active issues which assists with the protection of health, safety and well-being of persons. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: How long will my information be kept? A: Personal information must be kept for a minimum of three (3) years per the Records Retention By-law. After such time, the information will be destroyed. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: How long do I need to keep the information in my Guest Registry? A: Entries in the Guest Registry must be kept for three (3) years. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: What do I do with the Guest Registry? A: The Guest Registry should be readily available should Fire/Licensing/Enforcement staff request the documents. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: What information will be posted online? A: The Township will post the location of each Short-Term Rental property on a map, along with the address, status of licence, licence number, occupancy limit, number of licenced bedrooms, and the name and contact information of the responsible person. The name and contact information of the owner will not be posted online unless that person is also the Responsible Person. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: What is involved in getting a Short-Term Rental Licence? A:
**************************************************************************************************************** Q: How long will it take to be approved? A: Expected timeline to receive a licence is 3 to 6 weeks, but this time may vary based on compliance history, document review, volume of applications and enforcement. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: Do all properties qualify for a Short-Term Rental Licence? A: Yes, there are currently no restrictions. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: Is there a maximum number of Short-Term Rental licences allowed by one person or entity? A: No. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: In the application, what is a “Shore Road Allowance” referring to? A: Municipally Owned Shore Road Allowance:
**************************************************************************************************************** Q: Can a renter’s violation be held against the Short-Term Rental owner? A: Yes, if a violation is confirmed, it will be applied against the owner’s licence. **************************************************************************************************************** Q: Why a licensing program? A: A licensing program:
**************************************************************************************************************** Q: What are the key reasons for licencing Short-Term Rentals? A:
Things You Should Know About Short-Term Rentals |
Information for residents and visitors staying at Short-Term Rentals in Minden Hills
Other Helpful Forms |