Notice of Public Meeting for Proposed Changes to the Township's Fees and Charges Bylaw June 8, 2023
Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Minden Hills will be holding a Public Meeting on Thursday, June 8, 2023, during its Regular Council Meeting regarding proposed changes to the Township’s Fees and Charges By-law.
The meeting will commence at 9:00 AM in the Council Chambers located at 7 Milne Street, Minden ON.
To Participate
Members of the public wishing to participate may attend in-person or join electronically and make comment/speak at the Public Meeting regarding proposed changes to the Fees and Charges By-law.
Electronic Participants must:
- pre-register by emailing by Wednesday June 7, before 4:00 PM
- or by attending and registering the morning of the meeting before 8:30 AM.
Participants registering electronically after 8:30 AM will not be permitted into the public meeting.
Once registered, electronic participants will automatically be placed into a holding room and brought into the meeting as permitted by the Chair.
To attend the Zoom virtual meeting via Web, type into your browser or attend by dialing the number below:
Telephone: 1-647-374-4685 or 1-647- 558-0588
Meeting ID: 823 2523 9431
Passcode: 250922
Meeting live-stream link:
To Watch
Members of the Public wishing to watch the meeting can do so by joining the live-stream link available at the top of the Agenda located on the Minden Hills CivicWeb Portal at, or by using the direct live-stream link provided above.
Please Note:
We encourage those wishing to view the meeting to also download the agenda, as it will not be displayed during the streaming process. Meeting agendas can be downloaded by visiting the Township of Minden Hills CivicWeb Portal at
Dated this 29 day of May, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Trisha McKibbin, CAO/Clerk
(705) 286-1260 Ext 505