Committee of Adjustment Public Hearing December 9, 2024
TAKE NOTICE THAT the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Minden Hills will hold a Public Meeting on:
To Watch: Members of the public are welcome to watch the Committee of Adjustment meeting by joining YouTube at:
To Participate: Members of the public wishing to participate and make comment/speak at the Public Hearing must pre-register by emailing by Friday, December 6 before 4:00 PM or by attending and registering the morning of the meeting before 9:00 AM (Township Council Chambers at 7 Milne St., Minden). Participants registering after 9:00 AM will not be permitted into the public hearing.
Participants attending virtually will automatically be placed into a holding room and brought into the hearing as permitted by the Chair. Please note the live-stream link provided for each hearing will only be activated while Committee of Adjustment is in session.
The purpose of the Public Meeting will be to consider a proposed Minor Variance for Application No. PLMV2024068 and Application No. PLMV2024069 to the Township of Minden Hills Zoning By-law pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act as shown below:
Purpose and Effect of the Application No. PLMV2024068:
Location of the Subject Lands: Part of Lot 12 Concession 14, Geographic Township of Snowdon; located on 1345 Shaws Lane (see Key Map).
The purpose of the application is to provide relief from the Township of Minden Hills Zoning By-law 06-10, as amended, to permit the development of a 22.30 sq.m (240 sq.ft) addition to the southeast side of the existing cottage. The effect of the application would be to permit an increase in the size of a building located in part within 15 m (49.3 ft) of the high-water mark, where an increase in size or height of a building or structure is otherwise not permitted.
Additional information regarding this application is available online at A copy of the complete application will be available for public inspection at the Township of Minden Hills Building and Planning Department by appointment only.
Input on the above noted application is welcome and encouraged. You can provide your input, either in support or opposition to the proposed minor variance, by making a written submission to the Township or by speaking at the Public Hearing. If you do not attend the Public Hearing, it may proceed in your absence and, except as otherwise provided in the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.
Purpose and Effect of the Application No. PLMV2024069:
Location of the Subject Lands: Part Lot 20 Concession A, Geographic Township of Minden; having Roll Number 4616-033-000-54900 and located on 1378 Bobcaygeon Road (see Key Map).
The purpose of the application is to provide relief from the Township of Minden Hills Zoning By-law 06-10, as amended, to permit the enlargement of the dwelling and to construct a new two-storey addition with a side porch. The effect of the application would be to permit an increase of the ground floor area of the building beyond the permitted 25% for non-complying buildings or structures.
Additional information regarding this application is available online at A copy of the complete application will be available for public inspection at the Township of Minden Hills Building and Planning Department by appointment only.
Input on the above noted application is welcome and encouraged. You can provide your input, either in support or opposition to the proposed minor variance, by making a written submission to the Township or by speaking at the Public Hearing. If you do not attend the Public Hearing, it may proceed in your absence and, except as otherwise provided in the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.
To provide input in writing, or to request written notice of the decision, please contact the undersigned or e-mail Manager of Planning.
Any person or agency who is of the opinion that holding the hearing as an electronic hearing is likely to cause them significant prejudice, may make a submission to the undersigned, and if the Committee is satisfied that holding the hearing as an electronic hearing is likely to cause the party significant prejudice then the hearing will be re-scheduled as an oral hearing. If a person or agency does not make a submission to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the electronic hearing, and the person or agency does not participate in the hearing in accordance with this Notice, then the Committee may proceed without the party’s participation and the party will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceeding.
If you are interested in participating in the hearing you are strongly encouraged to contact the undersigned prior to the meeting date with any questions you may have and/or to provide any material for the Committee’s consideration at the hearing.
Accessibility: The Township of Minden Hills is committed to providing services as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. If you have accessibility needs and require alternative formats or other accommodations, please contact the undersigned.
Privacy Disclosure: As one of the purposes of the Planning Act is to provide for planning processes that are open and accessible, all written submissions, documents, correspondence, e-mails or other communications (including your name and address) form part of the public record and may be disclosed/made available by the Township as deemed appropriate, including anyone requesting such information. Please note that by submitting any of this information, you are providing the Township with your consent to use and disclose this information as part of the planning process.